Journal title Jurnal Aktiva : Riset Akutansi dan Keuangan
Initials Aktiva
Abbreviation J. Aktiva
Frequency Three issues per year
(February, June, October)
DOI prefix10.52005
Print ISSN
Online ISSN
Editor-in-Chief  Meutia Riany, M.Ak
Publisher  Program Studi Akutansi
Citation Analysis Google Scholar, Garuda, PKP, One Seacrh
License CC-BY-SA

The Jurnal Aktiva : Riset Akutansi dan Keuangan is a Community Service journal that focuses on the delivery of information on the results ofCommunity Service.  All Article process with double-blind peer review. This journal covers all topics related in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Accounting Information System, Auditing, Accounting Ethics, Taxation Accounting, Public Sector Accounting, Accounting Education, and Banking etc. This journal publishing frequency  Three a year in February, June, and October.